Top 10k strings from Alchemist News - Issue 12 (1994)(Alchemist Research).tzx
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4 LD IX,#3AC3 3 LD (STORE),HL 2 Wolfgang & Monika Haller 2 RET NZ [WRITE PROTECTED] 2 RET C [DRIVE EMPTY] 2 OUT (#E7),A 2 NOTTINGHAM 2 LD HL,START 2 LD HL,(STORE)* 2 LD A,DRIVE 2 LD (#3DDB),A 2 JR NZ,LOOP 2 IN A,(#E7) 2 Ferry Groothedde 2 ENHANCEMENTS 2 CALL PROTECTION 2 Ben Douglas 2 Andy Davis 2 1. New command. You can now use LOAD dn (or SAVE dn) on its own, which gives the opportunity to change the current drive without actually having to use the drive to do so. This can be very handy before LOAD Pn, for instance. 1 |~~__OOGGCCAA 1 you INPUT from a file opened RND,$ 1 with the +D. 1 with circuit diagram. 1 with more suitabledefinitions like "S/s A", "S/s D" etc.where "S/s" means Symbol shift. The twohelp pages have also been smartened up alittle. 1 will just spin indefinitely until one is inserted.8 1 who can supply these programs on tape, orfrom the usual Alchemist Research addresswhere all the other media are covered.These new programs have been introducedinto the PD library, but are FREE OFCHARGE. Any order which consists of any ofthese programs will be credited with therelevant amount. 1 which sends data to the file can$ 1 which allows GENS 3.51 to work" 1 when used on a disk that has been$ 1 using the T2-T+3 1 used to close 1 units from severalsuppliers in the UK. This section aims tocover many aspects of the +3 includingsoftware, compatability and useful tips. 1 two always return signalling a DOS$ 1 to disk, 1 theseinstructions to save to disk." 1 the file regardless, just as with$ 1 the AlchNews code, dust cover" 1 that the alternate HL register pair$ 1 system & adverts for CP/M library," 1 syntaxINSTANTANEOUSLY! 1 such text will still be written to$ 1 statement, e.g. PRINT #4; INK 5;$ 1 screenshots. 1 review by Ben Douglas and Vision's" 1 review of the Eurovision Song" 1 readers, index, credits and news.! 1 ptrcodes : CODE 49152, 1166 1 possibly corrupt the DOS at the same$ 1 onsuccessfully using a Spectrum type mouseon the SAM, with all software controllistings, and NO hardware required.y 1 one in the +D which G+DOS uses. This$ 1 new commands he's added. 1 modifications to the Spectrum PSU" 1 microdrive 1 machine-code, i.e. create an entry$ 1 it may beconsidered very basic compared to TASWORD128 or equivalent, it gives non -wordprocessor owners the chance to getwriting for only 20p! 1 is corrupted, resulting in a crash$ 1 is fine with Betados too, EXCEPT$ 1 information, mods to OPUS EMULATOR" 1 information on coverting Tasword 2" 1 in aproportional, but not too small text.+ 1 ignores the drive specified and just$ 1 ignored , e.g. INPUT #4;"text";a$.$ 1 ideas, 3" drive cleaner, Demon" 1 h{-+-t+r-t+ 1 has actually been one or not. See$ 1 happy hacking! 1 formatted for more than 80 files.$ 1 formats the last drive used. 1 for the GENS assembler version 3m.21$ 1 for the +D, print modifications to" 1 for it in the directory.) 1 files opened OUT. 1 file to your disk. It is usually advisable to name Tasword +3 files with a suffix of ".TXT".g 1 fact, of SAVE @ and LOAD @. These$ 1 external disk drive. 1 explaining the bugs in the +D" 1 error, regardless of whether there$ 1 damages hisreputation more and raises more questions.Should anyone wish to inspect them, theyare available from the usual address. 1 d) Codes 68 and 69. The equivalents, in' 1 corrupted as a result. (Code 56 is$ 1 converter programs, 1 codes are OK, but if you use the$ 1 cheap HD disks and information" 1 cause an error. Embedded control$ 1 cartridges, 1 call which involves these. 1 c) Code 67. This is the code used to' 1 before the input variable will be$ 1 b) Using colours in a PRINT command' 1 b) The form FORMAT d* will not pass' 1 b) Code 56. The routine called by 8 DB' 1 as direct commands, particularly the ones concerned with opentype files, e.g. FN e, FN l and FN p. The 128K Editor is fussy about the value of the IX register pair (or rather, to be more precise, the contents of (IX+1) if non- zero) when it's in the process of editing a line. The latter three functions use IX themselves , so this should really be set correctly afterwards for 10 0% safety.For further details about this IX problem, see the article 'Plus D Alters' in Format magazine, March 1988 (Vol 1, No. 8), as this was something which also affected the previous DOS (i.e. the version before G+DOS 2a). 1 as an'interpreter' between transferring filesfrom Tasword +3 to Tasword 128.P 1 are using 48K mode. In 128 BASIC$ 1 any text or control characters$ 1 and multi talented father! 1 always crash the Spectrum and$ 1 also No. 4. 1 after returning to BASIC from a USR$ 1 about the SPC. 1 a) The special form FORMAT d1,n etc.' 1 a) The Betados manual states that when' 1 a) Codes 52 and 53. The problem here is' 1 a file from 1 Zenobi are a long established supplier ofadventure games for most systems. JohnWilson has expertly aquired rights to allpopular titles, past and present andsupport all major media. Send an SAE fortheir comprehensive lists. 1 Zenobi Software 1 You're then asked to enter the page numberwhere GENS shall be placed. 48K owners orusers who don't want to make use of the128K memory just can press "ENTER". Othersread the extra note about the 128Kfacilities. 1 You then are asked for the page numberwhere GENS shall beloaded to. Normallypage 0 is paged in. Other pages you mayuseare 1,3,4,6,7. 1 You may wonder why I actually mention allthis? Well to write the program I had tolearn how the access the PC's disk drives!A bit ironic really no? Oh well enough ofall this and onto the +D stuff. Last timeI gave details of an error protectionroutine and load routines. This time Ihope to cover the save and delete routinesand finish off with loading/saving singleand multiple sectors. The reason for notdoing the loading of sectors last time isthat loading and saving are basically thesame so I didn't want to type the samecrap twice [especially on my crashingspectrum!]. 1 You get two text editors, a disc copier,basic disc utilities (erase, type, dir,copy [pip] and rename), a program toproduce a hex dump of a file, a colourutility, a utility to give you the abilityto put passwords on your files etc. andthat's just one side of the disc. What'son side 2, though ? 1 You can get more details of these programsby writing to:8 1 You are then moved swiftly onto theediting screen itself. This is set up as ablue screen with white ink, but can easilybe altered. At the top of the screen youare given a bar of information, presentedin 64 column mode. This features yourcurrent line, column and gives the statusof caps lock, word wrap, margin starts andlengths and states of various modes(insert / overwrite etc.) 1 Yes, the scourge and life stealer of theSpectrum - The SAM Coupe, has been"removed"] 1 WoMo PD are also responsible for the hugeinflux of new PD introduced to AlchemistPD in the last six months, so our eternalthanks goes to them! 1 Without the help of the following people,AlchNews would not be possible:I 1 With Tasword +3 is a program called "T2T3"which converts Tasword 2 files to Tasword+3. This program was written with TAPEfiles in mind though. However, it caneasily be adapted for disk usage. 1 Winscombe House 1 When Alchemist Research invested in ourAmstrad monitor, We found that we had tosupply the audio signal from the SOUNDsocket of my grey +2, since the monitorsocket doesn't provide an audio signal,unlike the +3 and black +2a. This wouldnormally cause no problems, but readers ofback issues will know that the internaldrive of the +2 no longer works andexternal devices are used which give thereliable tape quality that PD customersare used to. Tape saving is achieved by asimple lead from the sound socket. So,both leads must go into the one socket ifyou wish to monitor the recording tone ofa tape and not keep swapping leads. 1 When loaded, you are greeted with theusual 128k style menus. All options aredriven using this system, and selectedwith the cursors and ENTER. The first menuis the DOCUMENT menu where you can load,save, print, edit, backup or alter theprogram. When starting afresh, you mustselect CREATE and give your document aworking title. 1 Whats Next: AlchNews 13, September 1994' 1 West Bridgford 1 Well, the most obvious reason is the 3"internal drive. It's far from being +Dstandard, slow, low capacity and disks areRUDDY EXPENSIVE! 1 Well, the Amstrad PCW uses CP/M and theAmstrad CPC uses it as well. It lets merun PCW and CPC Programs on my +3. Is thatit ? 1 Well, did you see it then? Lots of peopledid. There weren't so many of the sillysongs that have made this contest world(in)famous this time. Instead, there wassome good solid music for a change. 1 Well, a tip to start with, then I'll tellyou how to save yourself a few bob bymaking your own ink to put in thecartridges when they run dry. 1 Well, now theres another tape magazineavailable, with a winning format andexcellent contents. It's called SINCLAIRCLASSIC. At time of writing, six issueshave been written so far. Although thecontent is a little thin and can be readin a short degree of time, this is morethan compensated by the sheer brillianceof the programming of the magazine. 1 Welcome to the first of what we hope to bemany new discussions on the Spectrum +3.Support for this machine is very high,especially with the very affordable 3.5"external drive 1 Welcome to issue 12 of AlchNews, theSpectrum only tape and disk magazine. I'dlike to welcome all the new readers we'vepicked up thanks to great support fromCHIC COMPUTER CLUB and SPECTRUM UK. 1 We've recently received CP/M for the +3thanks to Dave Wood from Cambridge butwe'd desperately like to hear from otherusers of the system to compare notes andoffer help and advice. Ben Douglas hasbeen kind enough to give a review of CP/Min this issue. 1 We have reviewed our pricing policy toremind customers that PD software shouldnot be priced at ridiculous prices. I amamazed that upto `1 is being charged forany titles from the old RAS-PD collection,when they can be received FREE from RAS orAlchemist PD. 1 Vladimir Turcanu 1 Vision of TMG Corp. 30.1.94 1 Vision of TMG 1 Victoria Road 1 VIGILANTE PATROL: An "Operation Wolf" typegame. The graphics of the baddies are verycolourful and large, with a variety ofdifferent types. The game starts off easy,but as it progresses, turns into a game ofskill and fast reactions. Luckily you havea small supply of grenades to destroy alarge number of them. 1 VENTURESOFT CEASES TRADING 1 USING BDM TO CREATE A BETADOS SYSTEM FILE) 1 Trading Post is THE place to contact fornew Spectrum machines. They have a varietyof machines available and even completeones for spares for a little more than`10! T.P. also stock a range of softwareand also support Commdore, Amstrad andAtari machines as well as the Spectrum. 1 To get a non Amstrad printer working on aplus 3, simply enter as a direct command: POKE 23354,62:POKE 23355,16. It alters theroutine that starts at 23354, so insteadof disabling the interrupts, it doesLD A,#10 instead. The printer will nowwork properly! You don't need these pokeson a +2a, and I've no idea why. You willneed them on a +3 though if you use aCitizen 120D, Brother Hj 100i or a CanonBj-10. 1 To avoid breaking warranty (if stillapplicable) the circuit should be placedin a box with suitable plugs and sockets;the regulator may be left untouched inthis instance. Suitable connectors arealways available from MAPLIN ELECTRONICS. 1 This should not be a problem if your driveis a good Shugart compatable type and hashad it's internal settings moved from "0"to "1". 1 This program was written to load and saveGens files to +D or other disk systems (ifthe syntax is changed). All you need isGens version 3m.21 which isn't Freewareindeed. It doesn't work with other Gensversions! 1 This library owns possibly the largest PCshareware stocks in the country and iswell reputed for their speed and qualityof programs. Not only this, but they haveseveral large volumes of CP/M softwarefrom all over the globe. Send an A5 SAEfor their CP/M catalogue or `2.50 fortheir large PC catalogue. Prices areconsiderably higher than what Alchemist PDcustomers will be used to, but rarely isthere a library anywhere with cheap PCshareware. 1 This is the other half of the package.Mallard BASIC is what the PCWs use. It'semphasis is on fast arithmetic thanuser-friendliness. This is shown up by thefact that there is no CLS command andescape codes must be used instead. Howeverthis is still quite versatile, and thereare couple of basic programs on the discto look at. 1 This is a fab game, a total brain teaserand I'd give it 10 out of 10.G 1 This handy little program is an absolutemust for all those people out there whohave just fitted an external 3.5" drive totheir +3 (LIKE ME!). It's fast, reliable,and easy to convert to load and rundirectly from the disk drive, be it driveA: or B: Sounds a bit obvious, but notevery PD program was written with disktransfer in mind! 1 This loads into the wordprocessor andgives details of how to turn on and offadvanced printer controls like NLQ,Superscript, Italics etc. 1 This has been greatly refined withuppercase characters and some degree ofcolour. The option key now resides in aninverted box to the left of the screen,with the option description to the rightof it. When selected, the inverted boxflashes and you are given the option tocontinue or cancel, much like before. Thenew menu is something like this: 1 These were the words of FORMAT editor BobBrenchley in the FORMAT editorial of April1994. The reason? The Spectrum PD scene iscurrently in a recession, as it were. 1 There is a tape available from BG SERVICES(also at Alchemist Research - send blankdisk and SAE) which has +3 and CP/Mutilities on it. You load it up, and itdecrompresses all over the disc. Theprograms are then ready to use. One ofthese programs formats a disc to severaldifferent types, which is very useful ifyou have 3DCKIT (See end of review). Theseprograms are very useful, but mostlyundocumented. However, with a bit of trialand error, you will probalby be able touse them within a few days. 1 There are a great many keys which allowyou to manipulate your text. These arethankfully listed in the HELP section. Themain control keys are: 1 There are a great many titles availablefree of charge. These include bug fixesfor +D, programs from TRIAD DEVELOPMENTS,Dominic Morris, Mark Harris and MilesKinloch. The RAS-PD collection and anymicrodrive, +D or +3 utilities. Moredetails can be found in the Julynewsletter. 1 There is a file accomapanied with theprogram:2 1 The utility gives you 710K per disk and achoice of 128 or 256 directory entries.710K of storage is roughly four times whatyou'd get per side of an Amstrad CF2floppy, and as these disks are reallyexpensive, that can't be bad news. For 50por so, you get four quids worth of diskstorage space- good news indeed. 1 The two people who hosted the show werequite laughable in a likeable sort of way,always getting the lines wrong, and TerryWogan seemed to forget that he's IRISH!All through the final voting, Terry wenton and on about how the UK entry wasn'tdoing to well, and continually referred toit as "OURS". Actually, HIS country'sentry did rather better than the Britishone, it won! Still, I wonder if Terry hadhad a few too many pints of Ireland'sbest, because it certainly sounded like hedid! 1 The text is very well presented, with neatlogos and wonderful drawings, withdetailed accompanyingk 1 The second best thing about the program isthe fact that +3 DOS can directly read andwrite this disk format, as the +3 DOS ROMsare equipped to deal with the PCW format.You don't need to load any software tomake these disks readable, and the fullpower of +3 DOS is at last realised. Youcan directly copy files from drive A: toB: without swopping disks all the time,and even Tasword +3 will read thespellcheck dictionary directly from driveB:, saving an awful lot of wear and tearon the internal drive. 1 The screen colour can be easily changedwith just a few simple pokes. TASCOL fromAlchemist PD does this automatically foryou from your selection of colours. Myversion uses white text on a black screenwith a yellow information bar at thebottom. 1 The save command can be found at line 3420and it's ramdisk equivalent at line 3630.The save option also cunningly hides theopton to re-title your document. 1 The program "BETAFIX" cures the followingbugs in Betados, and also adds a couple ofnew features.a 1 The patch works by diverting the printerchannel to make use of command code 57.T 1 The owners of the SPC, Wolfgang and MonikaHaller, are expecting their second childin August 1994. I am sure the AlchNewsreaders will join me in wishing Monika asafe and happy birth. The ed is even morepleased as they have shortlisted theGerman equivalent of Andrew as a possiblechristian name! 1 The option to enter your own control codesis very simple. You are presented with amenu of letters which you can define yourcode. We'll select "B" for our example.Move the option bar to "B // b" and pressENTER. You are then asked to choose upperor lower case. I tend to use upper case toturn the printer control ON and lowercase to turn it OFF. So, select which youprefer and you are then presented withanother window of codes. Move the bar tothe code you wish to enter and type thenew number. Press ENTER if satisfied orDELETE to start again. When entered, movedown to the next code until finished. 1 The new drive works fine without any newsoftware or ROM programming. The onlydisadvantage is that the ROM formatterwill only format a disk to 176k, the sameas the internal one. But, like ULTRA208and HIFORM, 'external' formatters havebeen written to give it a 700k capacity.After all, the process of loading in aformatter to format new disks is commonpractice on the BBC machines, so why notthe Spectrum! Most software packages,including TASWORD, have the facillity tohandle data from drive B. 1 The loading command can be found at line2290 should you wish to change it to tapeor your preferred disk type. The ramdiskloading command can be found at line 2220which can also be easily adapted. 1 The five free titles per month has goneextemely well, except for many being toobashful to order them! I am now happy toannounce that this service is nowavailable on tape. Simply write once permonth with an order of half a dozenprograms and enclose only SAE and media.There are NO fees and you do not need tobe a regular or priviledge customer, nor asubscriber to AlchNews. 1 The first article is dedicated to thiswordprocessor. Now age-long and slowcompared to newer processors, this programled the way of wordprocessing and broughtit to many who thought they would need tospend on a more sophisticated computer toreap the benefits. Not so. It may be old,but it has an almost universal file type,which can be most easily transported tovirtually any other Spectrum wordprocessorwith only a few lines of BASIC. Iregularly use 1 The capacitor inside the power-unit wasrepaced with a 6500uF of at least the samevoltage as the old one. The additionalcircuit was added externally to provideregulation of the output & variablevoltages enabling the Spectrum PSU topower other equipment if required.Additional LEDs, switches & meters can beadded if desired. 1 The biggest advantage of the new drive isthe ability to read and write to and from+D disk format. Not only does this meanit's possible to order software for thisformat, but you can also send software toothers who may only have a +D system.However, the advantage of cheaper softwaredoesn't always work; OUTLET charges thesame cost for a 3" disk as they do forother formats. So, you may as well pay `3.50 for a 3" disk and copy it onto a 3.5"one yourself and use it for a blank!AlchNews, on the other hand, is only `1 on3.5" disk, so would save about `2! 1 The absolute best thing though, is thatthe program is PD! What more can I say?Q 1 The SPC is one of the best examples of aSpectrum club I have ever seen. It is verymuch like Alchemist Research and run alarge PD library and write a monthly A5magazine for the Spectrum and SAM.Although most of the text is in German,the content is excellent and full ofwonderful articles and programs, including"CHEAPO JOY-MAUS", 1 The REFORM option allows you to convert64 column text into 32 columns. This couldbe used when displaying files in programsout of Tasword. A more suitable optionwould be 64-42 which could then be usedfor programs displaying 42 column text,like AlchNews. 1 The Public Domain Software Library" 1 The PRINT option from the main menu isvery comprehensive and allows you to printindividual blocks or the entire document.You can also alter the amount of lines tobe printed per page, spacing, marginsetting, start line, page numbering, pagewaiting and line feeds. 1 The May edition of the AlchNews supplementis still available for 10p & SAE. Many newtitles will be listed in the Julysupplement, also 10p - available 1st July1994. 1 The May AlchNews Supplement was dedicatedto over a hundred new titles released intothe PD library. Some more noticable oneswere: 1 The British Entry? Well, I thought theypicked the wrong song. From the collectionshown on the BBC prior to the contest,there were better possibilities, now sadlymissed. The singer was good, very good infact. She should release an album and showthe world just how good she really is,because the song she sang at Eurovisiondid her no justice at all. 1 The B:FORMAT utility (UT-98). 1 The +D system now supports 3.5" AND 5.25"disks which means besides tapes, PD can besupplied on these formats. Although not aspopular as the 3.5" drives, 5.25" arestill used. 1 The +3 now has the EXTERNAL 3.5" DRIVEFITTED!!! (Hooray!). Not only does thismean the end of buying 3" disks atextortionate prices, but means that PDorders on +3 disk are now more thanwelcome! More details can be found in thePD section. 1 The +3 has a direct port for a B drive -simply hook up and go! However, it was notthat successful. Many reported that thedrive just kept spinning and, in somecases, cut out the interior drivealtogether. 1 The "BBP" comprises of ten well designedand detailed games. As well as somepopular ideas covered, there are anumber of fresh ideas. 1 The first thing you need to know is howfiles are stored on disk and the extrainfo. At the beginning of each file [apartfrom snapshots, open-types etc] there is a9 byte info block. This is also stored inthe directory entry and is as follows. 1 The circuit diagram of the project isfeatured overleaf. The mains power entersfrom the left of the screen into theSpectrum PSU. The lead from the PSU to theSpectrum can be cut if required but it isadvisable to make the project with a smallsocket, like on the Spectrum, to connectthe lead. The power then travels from leftto right where after travelling throughthe unit, can be terminated by a powerplug to be connected into the Spectrum. 1 The program "G+DOS FIX" cures thefollowing bugs in G+DOS 2a, and also addsseveral new features.i 1 The next bit is actually the ERASEroutine. Again you can allow the user thechoice but I tend to say `Sod you, yourmistake - YOU TAKE THE CONSEQUENCES!'.Note that it needs the FILENAME to be at#3E06. Wild cards [*?] ARE allowed but notrecommended while saving!!! 1 The control program of Tasword isunrefined, but in BASIC, so modificationis simple. It wouldn't really be feasableto explain how to convert Tasword 2 ontothe +3 in this article, since externalprograms and a great deal of re-writing ofthe BASIC has been done to allow full useof the disk systems, but it will give youan insight into what can be done. Shouldyou wish this fully converted version,send a +3 disk (3" or 3.5") with SAE. 1 Thats yer lot then people. 1 That's all for now then, 1 That would take about 2 seconds tocomplete compared to about 9 using the ROMroutine.\ 1 Thanks to: Chris Norfolk 1 Thanks to the kind generosity of WoMO PD,the German equivalent of Alchemist PD, wehave hundreds of new titles for the PDlibrary. Unfortuntely a great many ofthese are documented in German. We havetested the programs thoroughly and onlyreleased programs which are in English orno not require any knowledge in German touse the program, but this excludes dozensof excellent games, audio & graphicsprograms and utilities - including someexcellent wordprocessors, machine codeeditors and disk utilities. 1 Thanks YET AGAIN Miles! 1 Telephone: 0952 462135 1 Telephone: 0892 663298 1 Telephone +31 5660 2562 1 T] sector routines.First do the protection bit and try thefollowing:J 1 TRU VID : TAB 1 THORNTON CLEVELEYS 1 THE TRADING POST 1 THE SPECWORD WORD PROCESSOR 1 THE NEW +3 EXTERNAL DRIVE 1 THE DOORSTOP HAS GONE 1 THE DEMON HACKER VS. THE PROFITEERS.$ 1 THE BUMPER BOOGIE PACK 1 TECHNOTWADDLE 1 Supplier : 5 Helmsley Drive 1 Such a disk would invariably be$ 1 Still, as you all probably know by now,Ireland won for the third successive year.A well deserved victory I thought, andwell done to Poland for coming second! ThePolish entry was an excellent little song,and I would have liked it even more ifonly I could understand the words. As soonas I heard the Irish song, it was obviousthat it would win, but when I heard thePolish entry, I knew it was a bit abovethe average and should do well. I waspleasantly surprised when they camesecond, as they certainly deserved to. 1 Stanculescu Marin 1 Staff writers: 1 Spellunkler. 1 Spectrum UK 1 Spectrum +2 users who would like toconnect an external tape lead can find thedetails in a back issue of AlchNews. Thismodification gives enhanced audio qualityand gives more choice of tape decks whenloading a particularly poor quality tape. 1 Speccy bits for sale from Malcolm" 1 So, I therefore can not promote Prism PDwhen such underhand tactics are used,tricks commonplace with politicans!w 1 So, I assume that Martyn Sherwood LIED tothese people about wishing a truce, in avain attempt to emotionally sway thesepeople into thinking that I was unwillingto end any hostilities that may havearisen and to bring back support to PrismPD. 1 So, +3 users should seriously considerehancing their systems with a simple, yetinvaluable external drive!n 1 So, SPECWORD is a very comprehensivjwordprocessor. AlthoughC 1 Sinclair Computerclub Benelux 1 Since the demise of Speccy mail ordercompanies, it's increasing harder to getprotective covers, especially ones to thehigh standard CRASH used. (Mine is dated1987 and still immaculate!) But, whatsimple replacements can you use. Well,something of a co-incidence, but pub BarTowels are EXACTLY the right size for the+2 or +3. But, before you visit your local- ASK first! Surprisingly, it is possibleto buy bar towels from various shops andstores in any major town. If there is anygenuine interest I'll see if I can sortout some orders. 1 Silver End 1 Shropshire 1 Seriously, someone has kindly taken themachine off my hands as I was not preparedto pay great sums of money upgrading amachine which may become obsolete in a fewyears. I've nothing against the SAM andit's supporters but I feel that themachine has received to small support toever be taken seriously. 1 Selanswei 25 1 SYNTAX - A simple machine code programwhich converts all tape loading syntax inaU 1 SV_SEC: XOR A 1 SV_SC1: LD IX,#3AC3 1 STOKE ON TRENT 1 SQUAMBLE: Fly along horizontally and shootand avoid the oncoming asteroids. The keysare difficult to find, being not listed.Graphics are ok and has very good 128ksound. 1 SPECWORD : PROGRAM LINE 9800 1 SPECWORD word processor and Ben" 1 SPECWORD is primarily designed for a standard 128k Spectrum with a +D connected- but don't let that put anyone off. Thisis only because it is set up to load andsave to +D disk and has a feature to fileto the ramdisc (drive !). 1 SPECTRUM PROFI CLUB 1 SPECCODE : CODE 32768, 1 1 SOUNDTRACKER - over 20 new song files, notbefore seen in any other British PDlibrary.\ 1 SONG BY ST COMPILEG 1 SINCLAIR PROJECTS 1 SINCLAIR CLASSIC 1 SHOVE OFF: The idea of the game is toplace the boxes over the little crossmarks with your tank before the time runsout. It's a brain teaser and a very goodone at that with a higher degree ofdifficulty as you move up the levels.Graphics are very simple so it is clear tosee what to do and does not distract theobject of the game. Higher levels have amore of a maze type design and even havelocked doors where you need to collectkeys to open them. Objects also vary fromboxes to tea cups! A useful tip is topause the game and study the screen to getan idea of what should be moved and whereto. 1 SECTORS: CALL PROTECTION 1 SAVE TEXT 1 S-UK has only been established a fewmonths, but have already grown to one ofthe largest user groups in the UK, hopingto have approximately 3000 readers by theend of the year! Their magazine isextremely good value for money, with 56pages for just `1 (`2 rest of world) whichis filled with prime Spectrum material.The magazine is very diverse and coversmost basic and intermediate uses of theSpectrum with detailed adverts andprofiles of honest, reputable Spectrumdealers. Alchemist Research gives thisgroup a special recommedation and we havejust helped them out with setting up their+D system and sent some articles and freesoftware offers for their readers. 1 Roy Benson 1 Right, first of all, I got sick and fed upof paying nearly 7 quid for what is afterall, just a bottle of ink. There must be away that I can make my own I thought, soafter experimenting with a few emptycarts, I came up with this: 1 Right, first of all, dilute the endorsingink with about 25% water by volume. Thatis, an egg cup full of ink to about aquarter egg cup of water. Once done, youmust filter your mixture, so get a smallball of the cotton wool, and stuff ithalfway down the pen tube. Not too tight,the ink won't flow! Tighter than acigarette filter, but much more. Now, withan eye dropper or a syringe, slowly dropthe ink mixture into the pen tube, slowly,drop by drop. Collect what comes out ofthe other end in a very clean egg cup, andthere you are! enough ink to fill yourcartridge, with some left over for nexttime! 1 Right, distilled water is needed becauseof the way these inkjet carts work. Firstof all, some very tiny tubes of silicon isfilled with ink from a reservoir, and thenthey are heated very quickly so that theink shoots forwards under steam pressure.Well, not necessarily steam, remember thatthe original ink was based on isopropylalcohol! Now, if you have any dissolvedlimescale in the water that you are goingto use to make the ink, it will quicklyblock the print head, and then you'll needto buy a new cart! 1 Right that's it. It will probably take meabout an hour to turn tis into somethinguseable buy T2 so I think I had bettergive up. Before I go though, does anybodyout there know about keeping ANTS? I knowit's a weird question but i've beenclearing my garden and I keep finding thebuggers all over the place. It wouldn't beso bad but I sort of feel guilty turfingthem out of their homes! Stupid I know butwhat can I do? I is what I is. 1 Rating- Worth the money if you are aserious programmer (or have friends withPCWs or CPCs)a 1 RST56 has not been changed from the$ 1 RETURN TO TEXTFILE 1 RETURN TO BASIC 1 REFORM FROM 64 TO 32 CHARS PER LINE# 1 QUICK TIP - VISIT THE PUB 1 Public Domain software is far more thanhigh quality games, graphics and sound. Itis about research, guidelines and pointersfor the little man (and woman) whichcommercial companies don't care too aboutin numbers less than a thousand - YOU. 1 Pressing INV VIDEO gives an on-screen helppage of the general commands. To get helpon the printer commands, press GRAPH thenINV VIDEO. For the other extra commands,press EXTEND MODE then INV VIDEO. Somecommands worth mentioning are Set andreste margings, move to start / end oftext, Select Insert / Overwrite mode,wordwrap on / off, word count and wordfind, and setting and resetting of tabsand blocks. 1 Pleasant View 1 Paul Newman 1 PUBLIC DOMAIN NEWS 1 PROTECTION: 1 PRINT TEXT 1 POKE@ 1712,0: POKE@ 1713,0: POKE@ 1714,0: POKE@ 1735,107 1 PO BOX 121 1 PLUS 3 PLETHORA 1 PIPEWORK: Is a rework of the classic pipesand water game. The idea is to slidepieces of pipe into place so that watercan flow from the source to the end beforethe time expires. Keys are optional, butthe game didn't explain why water wouldn'tflow through a particular piece of pipe. 1 PD is exactly as it's name suggests.PUBLIC - written by the public for thepublic. It is true that the market can geta little swamped with poor qualityprograms, but look at the many hundreds ofsimple programs which do even simplerthings which have become invaluable to us. 1 PAPER, INK etc. tokens in the PRINT$ 1 Overall, this is a very value for moneypackage, well written and programmed.O 1 Original programming: Dominic Morris$ 1 Only ever use an G+DOS 2a for thispurpose, i.e. one that has been made usingthe CONFIG program as supplied on theoriginal 'system tape' and has had nosubsequent patches etc. added since,including the ones in G+DOS FIX. All thenecessary bug fixes for Betados will betaken care of by Betafix itself. 1 One problem with Tasword 2 on any Amstrad128k machine is the fact that when youselect HELP, the keys given are stated as"NOT", "AT", "AND" etc. This is fie on 48kmachines, but when the keywords are notwritten on the keys on 128k machines, youget problems! This has been cured byreplacing them 1 One or two of you requested an index page,which issue 11 lacked, so press the cursorRIGHT key to see it. Each seperate loadwill be known as a SECTION (This issection 1) and each scrolled page of textwill be known as a PAGE. Besides givingyou details of what the section containsthere will also be a number in bracketsindicating how many pages there are inthat section. 1 One of our newer readers, Chris Jones, haslots of Speccy software for sale. Oncemore, SAE to:a 1 One of our most supportive and dedicatedfriends, Albert Harper, also has a greatdeal of software for sale. Again, send SAEto: 1 One final note, Mr Sherwood is certainlyliving upto the name of PRISM - we can seeright through him!f 1 One device which usually gets overlookedon the Spectrum is the +3 drive. It iscertainly not infalliable and although thedisks are robust little beasts, errors canoccur. 1 Once you enter these, you'll be able touse LOAD *1;"name" etc. though these POKEsshould only be treated as temporary sinethey disable the normal mircrodrivesyntax. 1 On the 16th of April 1995, the UK'snational dialing codes will be altered tocope with the high demand for new lines.This means that a number "1" will beinserted after the initial "0". This meansthat London's "081" will become "0181".However, there are five cities which willhave a more drastic action. One of theseincludes Sheffield, where the new dialingcode will be "0114". The original sixfigure number will now become sevenfigures, thanks to a PREFIXING "2". Thismeans the new code for Alchemist Researchis: 0114 269 7644. The codes will bepermanent in April 1995, but will bepartially operable from 16th June 1994. 1 Ok, the following piece of code tests fora write-able disk in the drive and sets upthe 9 byte info for the file. Where it hasthe RET instructions it would be better toJR to an error routine to allow the userto retry but i'll leave that to you. Allyou need to do is print a message and thenre-run the routine from the beginning. 1 OPTIONS MENU 1 ONE LINE WRITERS WANTED 1 Now, my printer uses the Canon BC-01cartridges, so if yours doesn't, thenyou'll have to experiment a bit. Oh, andif you don't get a good quality print out,try changing the ratio of ink to water.Don't use water straight from the tap, anddon't use boiled water. There is bound tobe some limescale dissolved in the water,regardless of how soft your water supplyis. Distilled water is easy to make, justboil the kettle, and let the steam flowover a CLEAN dinner plate. Collect thecondensation in a clean vessel, and that'sdistilled water! I knew that O level inchemistry I got 15 years ago would come inhandy one day! 1 Now we get down to the main bit. First weopen up a new file and then call a dosroutine to move the info to the beginningof the file. This works for both G+DOS andBetaDos BUT if you use Betados with anextended catalogue AND have already used80 files the save routine WILL fail due tothe directory being `full'. 1 Now the new drive is introduced, files canbe loaded in via the external drive, readby the +D reader suite of programs. Theycan be saved on original 3" disk, +Dformat or even 710k +3 format. 1 Now if I can find my notebook i'll type inthe complete routine. Well you don't thinkthat I can remember all this crap do you?} 1 Not only this, but the editor DaveFountain has come up with some othertitles too. SUBBUTEO SCOREBOARD is agraphically excellent scoreboard programto accompany a game of Subbuteo and alsotwo packages of various fonts, all welldesigned and thought out. 1 Non +3 owners may be wondering what allthe fuss is about with hooking up anexternal drive.c 1 No, of course not, I'm just gettingstarted. You can use an 80 column virtualscreen, copy entire discs in less than 5minutes per side, support printers, theserial port and reconfigure the keyboardto your own needs. What do you get insidethe pack ? 1 New program contributions are very poordue to more and more programmers moving to16 bits and also the recent lapse inservice and quality from other lessreputable PD libraries. 1 New PD catalogue, July 1994 1 NOTE FOR 128K USERS: 1 NL 9012CM RAERD 1 NEW TELEPHONE SYSTEM FOR THE UK 1 NEW PRICES & SPECIAL OFFERS 1 NEW DRIVES FOR ALCHEMIST RESEARCH! 1 My particular taste in music goes alongthe same road as the Irish entry, so Ipreferred that one more, still, nothingcan be taken away from Poland, they didwell and deserved to. 1 My first Spectrum was rendered useless bythe excessive heat from the regulator so,warranty or not, I placed the regulator ofthe new Spectrum on an external heatsink.The power supply, however, still becametoo hot so I decided to modify it. 1 Mr Brenchley goes on to explain that ifsoftware is worth having "it should bepublished in a professional way". Doesthis mean that any serious non-PD softwareproducer would seriously consider sellinga ten line program which could convert PCGWordmaster files to Tasword 2 files? 1 Most +D users are familliar with "OPUSEMULATOR", the program which allows you toread Opus formatted disks. I can't commenton other users but I prefer to use theprogram to copy files onto +D format forswifter access in the future. But, thisusually means that the loading syntax isset up for the Opus - similar but notcompatable with the +D. 1 Most +3 users will know of the ingenious"FIXIT", a small device which converts theinterface port on the +3 and +2a to runolder hardware devices, namely modems andthermal printers. 1 Miles has also kept a keen interest in thedevelopment of the +D conversion ofTasword 128 and has cured many bugs theoriginal conversion carried. These includethe mail merge routine and, mostimportantly, the irritating "FATAL DISKERROR" cropping up whenever you sneeze!The fixer program plus a tutorial anddemos on the mail merge are available onrecepit of disk and SAE to the usualaddress. 1 Miles Kinloch 1 Miles has also written a modificationespecially for AlchNews! As no doubt manyof you have found out and written in totell me, key "Z" prints out the currentpage of text to your printer! But, if youpress BREAK to stop printing it exits toBASIC and causes a crash if in 128k mode.The problem lies in the +D itself and issimilar to the one experienced inWORDMASTER. So, insert the following lineinto the AlchNews loader and the programwill simply return to the text shouldBREAK be pressed when printing: 1 Mat Beal, FISH 1 Mark "MIKTOR" Harris 1 Maplin Electronics supply 3" disk drivecleaners with a little bottle of cleaningfluid - although I was surprised to seeWATER as part of the ingredients! At`3.95, the cost is a little high butpreventative medicine is better thancrying at a dust clogged, error pronedrive! 1 Many do not like the 64 column characterset in Tasword. This can easily be adaptedwith one of several new character sets.One set actually takes up the fullcharacter cell for each letter, regardlessof size of upper or lower case. The resultus a striking, clear, easily read set ofcharacters. 1 Mallard BASIC 1 Malcolm Goodman 1 Malcolm Gent 1 Malcolm Goodman still has a largecollection of Spectrum hardware / softwareand books at very low prices. Send an SAEto: 1 MORE CRACKS IN THE PRISM 1 MONITOR AUDIO PROBLEMS? 1 MODIFICATIONS TO THE SPECCY PSU 1 MISCELLANEOUS - The introduction of over40 Tasword 2 files giving help and advicewith some of the more popular HISOFTprograms. 1 MERGE TEXT 1 MELTON MOWBRAY 1 MEGABLAST: A simple shoot em up andcollect objects game. The graphics arebrilliant and very fast moving, withexcellent music. The only fault is thatthere was no introduction to what wassupposed to be done. 1 Locomotive Software, 1 Lloyd Garland 1 Leicestershire 1 Later programming: 1 LOAD TEXT 1 LD_SEC: XOR A 1 LD_SC1: LD IX,#3AC3 1 LDIR [MOVE FILENAME TO +D] 1 LD IX,ADDRESS 1 LD HL,LENGTH 1 LD HL,FILENAME 1 LD HL,ERR_1 1 LD HL,BUFFER [TRY #8000] 1 LD HL,ADDRESS 1 LD HL,(STORE) 1 LD HL,#8000 1 LD E,SECTOR [1-10] 1 LD E,SECTOR 1 LD DE,LENGTH 1 LD DE,1 [TRACK/SECTOR] 1 LD DE,#3E06 1 LD D,TRACK [0-79,128-207] 1 LD D,TRACK 1 LD C,FUNCTION 1 LD BC,#A [10 BYTE FILENAME] 1 LD A,DRIVE [1/2] 1 LD (#3E17),HL 1 LD (#3E15),HL 1 LD (#3E13),HL [ANY GUESSES?] 1 LD (#3E11),HL [LENGTH(!?)] 1 LD (#3E10),A [CODE FILE ID] 1 LD (#3E05),A [+D CODE FILE ID] 1 LD (#2066),SP 1 LD (#2066),HL 1 Konrahsoft have long been established as aquality producer of Spectrum and SAMutilities, especially in tape to disktransfers. Since the demise of YS, theirads are not as easy to spot, but allprograms are still available, including anessential suite of +3 disk managment anddiary / filing systems, far morecomprehensive than any PD package canoffer. For more details, send an A5 SAEand mark envelope "ENQUIRY". 1 Jones & Roy Benson. Brief news of" 1 Jonathan Cauldwell 1 James Waddington, *Spell* 1 JR NZ,READY [NOT FOUND] 1 It is rumoured that Prism PD has appointeditself as some sort of watchdog over theSpectrum community. Rather ironic when MrSherwood himself has been the subject ofthe 1 It has been noted that the device does NOTwork in 128k mode with the Multifaceconnected. But, as the device is to makeold 48k hardware work, it should really beused in 48k mode only. 1 If you run either of the routines abovethey will load or save the track/sector inDE at the address pointed to by HL.Granted they are a lot longer than thebuilt in routines BUT it's when you needto load a lot of sectors at one time thatthey really show their worth. For example,to load the first 4 tracks: 1 If you bought this program on tape andcannot save to +3 disk because you don'thave the^ 1 If you want to use the page-option youfirst have to go into 128/+3 Basic andthen enter "USR 0" to get into the USR 0mode.You then have a 48K editor but youstill can use the pages or other 128 I/Osby the command "OUT". Now load GENSLOADand do "ENTER" when you're asked for thestart address. 1 If anyone is willing to offer to writesimple conversions and / or help files forany programs, not only we but the manycustomers to Alchemist PD would beeternally grateful and be able to gettheir hands on some wonderful programs. 1 If you try to save a file and leave thisinfo out then you won't be able to re-loadit from basic. Obviously, if you only wantit to load from Z80 you can leave it out.If so then it would probably be wise tocall the file an open-type or SPECIAL. 1 If you read the last column you mayremember that I was having a good old moanabout my +2A crashing every 15 minutes orso, basically due to a dodgy connectionbetween the I/O port and the +D. Well,problem solved! This is the first columnto be written COMPLETELY on my PC. I spent12 hours yesterday writing a right evilprogram to copy PC files to a +D disk, andso now I can write this on my normalword-processor, spell check it and do allthe other crap. Pukka as a bloke I know iswant to say! 1 If you can get a hypodermic fromsomewhere, then use that to squirt the inkinto the cartridge, else you can use someother method. I've got a hypo, so this bitis up to you! 1 If I have to find a fault with thisprogram, it would be that the format,although PCW DS DD standard, doesn'tactually play with the disk sectoring, soyou get longer loading/saving times whencompared to 3" disks that have beenformatted with Chris Pile's excellent 203Kformatter (HIFORMAT UT-74). Still, themuch improved storage capacity and themore economic media more than make up forit. 1 INV VID : HELP PAGE 1 INC A [A=4] 1 I've used this method of making my own inkfor about two months now, and the resultsare very good. As good as the originalink, but not quite as good as the leadingbrands like Premier. Still, for around 50pper refil, can you complain? 1 I'm not sure if this works with Betadosbut I would imagine so. Just to be on thesafe side I tend to use custom [ielightening FAS 1 I'd especially like to thank those whohave taken the kind words spoken by theabove and sent their subscriptions withoutfirst sampling our wares. I thank you forthe trust you have shown and, to repaythat trust, you may like to know thatalthough your cheques have been cashed,the monies will remain in the account, soshould anything untoward ever happen, youcan guarantee of your money beingrefunded. This also applies to any othercustomers. Should you not be happy withANY Alchemist Research products, yourmomey will be immediately returned. 1 I would just like to say a great thanks toeveryone who has congratulated andcoplimented me on my first releasedadventure 1 I was recently surprised to hear that somepeople were having difficulties with thegame and requested help sheets. Well, Iset out to write a solution to the game byplaying it and guess what - I failed! But,fear not, I can supply a few tips on thegame but solutions and maps should bedirected to the *Spellunkler* adventuremagazine. 1 I was hoping to report some good newsabout Prism PD this issue. Apparently theyhave gone to great lengths to improvetheir service. (Even though many of theaspects are blatant ripoffs of ideasAlchemist Research introduced some YEARSago! But they do say the highest form offlattery is imitation!) Whether this is aresult of the publicity in AlchNews andother magazines and even pressure fromwatchdog agencies and even the police, whowere contacted at one stage, cannot beconfirmed. 1 I share a Spectrum 48K, 48K+, another +3,Sharp MZ80A, and an Amstrad 1512 PC with640K,1 3.5" disk drive, 1 5.25 disk drive,and 20MB hard drive with my father. Myfather makes all of the hardware that isHome-made,i.e the EPROM for my printer wasprogrammed by him. The amount of spaghettiin our house is unbelievable! 1 I have been informed from several readersthat Mr Sherwood has expressed an end toall hostilities in letters from him tothese people. Not wishing to be anunreasonable man and thankful that theSpectrum receives any support, took theinitial steps to bridge the gap and extendthe olive branch as it were! 1 I am an amateur programmer. For AlchNews Iwill describe it now to you all. I own aSpectrum +3, Alba tape recorder, VTX5000modem, Multiface 3, Tandata monitor,Magnum light gun,Echosoft keyboard +interface, 1 I received a communication from AlecCarswell a little while ago whichexplained that Venturesoft would beclosing down. Although it is widelyknown that Alec caused a great deal oftrouble in the Spectrum world, it isalways a shame to see a group close.However, more optimisticly, Alec has plansfor a brand new company dealing withSpectrum and SAM sofware opening in late1994 - watch this space! 1 I have tried to get many satisfactoryanswers from Mr Sherwood, but hisreluatance to write directly to myself,and rather send ridiculous "memos" viaother magazines 1 Hulme Lane 1 However, this is only true when you$ 1 However, this has not stopped Outlet andAlchNews, the only two long runningelectronic magazines, although Outlet hasrecently reported a fall in readership butAlchNews has reported a dramatic increase. 1 However, I can not. The reason is due tomore lies by Martyn Sherwood.G 1 Happy hacking! 1 Hacker's article on refilling ink" 1 HELP WANTED 1 HAUNTED HOUSE: Object of the game wanderaround the house colleting as many keys aspossible, avoiding the ghosts fromdraining your energy. The graphics arewvery good and your time, energy and scoreand easily seen. 1 Greetings AlchNews readers, how many ofyou out there use an inkjet printer? Idon't suppose I'm the only one!s 1 Goodman, Albert Harper, Chris" 1 General tape and disk magazines are alittle thin on the ground. The majorproblem most editors face is the formatused. Text on screen has less appeal thanthat of a paper magazine. There is alsothe difficulty of not being able toinstantly pick up an article from whereyou left off and the fact that importantinformation would have to be copied fromthe screen should you wish to use thecomputer. 1 Garry Rowland's PFN system is used, andnever have I seen it used in such acreative and positive way. Issue 6(May/June 1994) features six sections;very comprehensive reviews of classicSpectrum games (hence the title), aletters page, readers top ten, Amanda'sdiary: a view of the computer worldthrough the eyes of the cute Amanda (She'shate me for saying that!), reviews ofpublications and support and severalscreens of adverts. 1 GREAT SUPPORT FOR "BOB" 1 GRAPH : Printer Control 1 GRAND PRIX: A Supersprint type game withupto three players (two human & computer).The cars are very manoevurable and have ahigh degree of skidding. A fast game witha short time limit, but very addictive. 1 GERRARDS CROSS 1 GENSLOAD program instructions," 1 GENS will then be loaded and called. Press"B", "ENTER" to return to the main menu.You then have the following options:x 1 GEEEGEEEGG 1 GAMES REVIEWS by Alexa Weston 1 GAMES - Over 30 new games, direct fromGermany and beyond, all new to the UK.P 1 G+DOS FIX is fully compatible with allG+DOS patches and mods except Thingi,which uses all the spare +D RAM.t 1 G+DOS 2a BUG FIXES/ENHANCEMENTS " 1 Format : Tape 1 For info on this bit see ALCHNEWS 11!% 1 For FUNCTION use the following values.& 1 For Alchemist Research and it's customers,it means an even greater option of choiceof formats. In the past, all PD was storedon archived tapes. When the +D wasintroduced, all PD was moved to disk. Thisleft out +3 owners since it is well knownthat the +3 doesn't like loading tapes! Ifound that putting it in a good mood witha drop of Whisky on a disk cleaner workedwonders! 1 For any clarifications or more to thepoint, if you've got any ideas on what tocover in this column write to me at thisaddress. Maybe next time i'll do somethingon formatting single tracks but then againmaybe not because I don't think anybodyactually manages to read this far in anycase!!! 1 Florin Catalin Russen 1 First of all, you will need a few egg cupsfull of DISTILLED water, a cheap plasticpen, some cotton wool, and a bottle ofendorsing ink. When I say cheap plasticball point pen, I mean the Bic sort, onlywithout a breather hole in the barrel. Isuppose you could use a bic, so long asyou put a bit of sticky tape over thehole! 1 Finally, sorry to all who tried to phoneAlchemist Research on the weekend of 27th-29th May 1994, I'm afraid that I had veryshort notice to attend a wedding inCarlisle! 1 Finally, our very own Roy Benson hascleared out some of his surplus Spectrumstuff and has produced a large list ofsoftware, hardware, music, books andvideos. He's also taken the time to weighand price each item and prepared a postageweight chart at the end to ensure thecorrect money is sent. As before, send anSAE to: 1 Finally, because i've been at this forages and I want my dinner [it is after all9:57pm!] i'll just finish up with a fewcurios. Even if you don't bother with allthe other stuff I would recommend that youtry these just for the hell of it. All ofthem are useless but there you go. 1 Ferry is also an excellent programmer andhas written an excellent wordprocessor andthe 'SCS ROM' which, after Ferry'sdescription, must be one of the bestSpectrum emulators around. 1 Ferry has requested I supply more detailsabout the club that what was featured inthe April supplement, so here he is:x 1 Faversham, 1 FRUIT MACHINE is the classic one-armedbandit. The machine is easy to use,typical of a pub type. Graphics are verycolourful and the reel movement isrealistic. Truly a gambler's game! 1 FIXIT PROBLEMS 1 FINISHING TOUCHES 1 FILEX - An excellent Basic data filingsystem which does not use arrays. This isjust one of many new programs by MalcolmGoodman. 1 Euroclubs United, Trading Post," 1 Ernastrasse 33 1 Enter "6" for the page number. GENS willthen be loaded into page 6 starting ataddress 49152. If you are in the main menuor working with GENS page 6 will always bepresent. You can now break into "GENSLOAD"and switch back to page 0 by entering "OUT32765, 16+page" (In this case "page" wouldbe 0).You can then load routines that useGENS area and run them. Always remember topage GENS out when you want to load aprogram that uses GENS area otherwise GENSwill be overwritten! To get back to GENSsimply enter "GOTO 90". GENS will then bepaged in again and you can continue. 1 Enter Miles Kinloch, resident bugbusterand resident genius of +D business:M 1 EXTEND : Extra commands 1 EXTACY-3 - The entire collection of demosby this excellent group of British coders.COntrary to popular belief, Extacy-3 donot write their demos exclusively forPrism PD as certain people have claimed. 1 EXPANSION OF ALCHEMIST PD 1 EX (SP),HL 1 EUROVISION REVIEW 1 ENCOURAGED" 1 EMULATE THE OPUS ONE STEP FURTHER! 1 EI [TAKING NO CHANCES!] 1 EGGHEAD: The classic as featured on theold CRASH covertapes. Like Manic Miner,you must leap the platforms to collect thekeys and move upto the next level. Thereis also a time limit to make things morefun! The graphics are colourful and eachscreen is simple but cunningly designed. 1 EGGHEAD 2: The sequel to Egghead. Thisfollow up sees you wandering around ahouse in CAULDRON 2 style, collectingobjects. The advantage is that you canmove from room to room without collectingall the objects first. 1 EACH TITLE : 20p 1 Douglas tells us about his setup" 1 Disc-Kit and several of Betterbytes' utilities including the disk copier one. Six codes altogether are faulty, which are as follows: 1 Demon Hacker 1 David G4YHV 1 Dave Fountain 1 DOSses which he has cured and the" 1 DEMOS - Dozens of new demos direct fromthe continent, including LCD, MR VAIN,ACA, DEMOLITION, GEMINI, APANAGE, LIVINGON VIDEO and IRON-I. 1 DELETE : Delete character 1 DEFINE PRINTER GRAPHICS CONTROLS 1 D-51069 KOLN 1 Cruiserjoysticks,a small speaker that runs off anold 48k power supply, and a SHARPprinter/plotter with an EPROM between itand the Centronics port of my +3. Theprinter does not use ASCII codes so I haveto use the EPROM to translate the codesfrom ASCII to SHARP. My desk is an oldKODAK devoping machine sawn in half. It isvery handy, as it has two cupboards oneither side of me,typing this on my +3 onTasword 2. The left cupboard contains mydisks, blank tapes, film, videotapes, tapehead cleaner, my CP/M user manual, my +3manual, and "Understanding Your Spectrum"by Dr. Ian Logan. My right cupboardcontains my hardware, clip files, and Z-80Course. 1 Chris Jones 1 Chic, Spectrum UK, Kobrahsoft," 1 Chic Computer Club 1 Chessington, 1 CUSTOMISING FOR YOUR PRINTER 1 CROWBOROUGH 1 CP/M is the most widely used operatingsystem after MS-DOS. It is available forthe Spectrum +3 now from B G Services orLocomotive Software. (Adresses at end ofreview) So what does it do? 1 CP/M PROGRAMS AND USERS WANTED 1 CP/M AND MALLARD BASIC 1 CONVERTING FILES 1 COMPATIBILITY 1 CLEAN THAT DRIVE 1 CLASSIC review and Demon Hacker's" 1 CHIC is one of the largest computerorganisations in the world, with a generalmagazine and also smaller user groups. TheSpectrum and SAM have 'SPECTRE'. MostAlchemist Research customers will havereceived a CHIC flyer in their mail, butfor more details and a comprehensive freeinformation pack, write to the aboveaddress. 1 CHARACTERS 1 CATALOGUE OR CHANGE DRIVE FROM "x:" F& 1 CAT a disk, and is fatally flawed.$ 1 CALL LD_SEC 1 CALL ERROR [SEE LAST ISSUE] 1 CALL ??_SEC 1 CALL #D93 [AUTO ERASE! DEADLY!] 1 CALL #B89 [CLOSE FILE] 1 CALL #B1E [OPEN FILE] 1 CALL #9A5 [SEARCH FOR FILE] 1 CALL #850 [SAVE BYTES] 1 CALL #2FF2 1 CALL #2FD4 1 CALL #2879 [MOVE 9 BYTE HEADER] 1 By The Editor 1 By The Demon Hacker (yet again). 1 By DAVID G4YHV 1 By Ben Douglas 1 But, the magazine comes into it's own withit's reviews. It picks two classic games,gives lots of pictures and goes intowonderful detail about it. It is easy forany magazine to feature a "classics"section, but never have I seen one writtenas well as this. The magazine is basedaround the classics theme, and the gamesare not just shoved in to fill a bit ofroom. 1 But, surely this response is a littledrastic? It can be understood that beingin such a prominent position, Mr Brenchleycan criticise the Spectrum softwaremarket, in support of the SAM which has agreater software and hardware support thanthe Spectrum currently does. 1 But, I bring back the point that MrSherwood expressed an end to hostilitiesto these people. I have written proof ofthis both from the people who brought thematter to my atention and copies of MartynSherwood's letters. Since Martyn Sherwoodhas made absolutely no attempt to confirmthese letters. I have taken into accountthat these letters could be claimed tohave been "lost in the post", so I tooksteps to send my final peace offering byrecorded delivery and suggested MartynSherwood did the same and followed it upwith a telephone call. I attemped to callMr Sherwood, who is ex-directory. Mytelephone number is readily available onmy headed notepaper and in magazines andadverts. 1 But sadly after over one month and THREEletters to Martyn Sherwood, all have beenignored and not replied to personally.However, there has been one communication;a "memo to Andy Davis" featured on thePrism PD page of magazine "FISH". Thismemo featured several more incorrectreferences which have brought up even morequestions which Mr Sherwood may feelawkward in answering. There is also thematter of bias in this material and howthis will affect the future of AlchemistResearch's support of FISH. 1 Before we go on, it should be noted thatSPECWORD is most certainly not designed torival or better commercial word processorslike WORDMASTER or TASWORD, but new userscan find it difficult to purchase theseprograms new for a cheap price withoutresorting to piracy. 1 Beacon Road 1 Barbara Gibb, Adventure Probe 1 BY THE DEMON HACKER (AGAIN!) 1 BOB", recentlydistributed free with AlchNews and*Spellunkler* magazine. (If you did notget a copy, send media and SAE) The ideafor the short story, serialised adventurescame about several years ago and I plannedto write one for each issue of AlchNews.However, since the increase in readershipto AlchNews and the creation of AlchemistPD it was not possible until the arrivalof the disk system which cut order timesdrastically. 1 BIT 6,A [ONLY FOR SAVE_SEC] 1 BG Services, 1 BETADOS BUG FIXES/ENHANCEMENTS 1 BASIC' report. 1 BACKUP TASWORD 1 Author : Jonathan Cauldwell 1 At this moment in time, I will count thenumber of wires on my desk. There are 10in all! That is not counting the ribboncables of course. I am waiting for anaddition to the spaghetti, a 3.5" drivefor the drive B: socket on my +3. I dreadto think what it will be like when I haveall of these extras. I am already runningout of wall sockets, and that is with a4-socket splitter! Plugging into that Ihave My +3,Mymonitor, my tape player, myamplifier, and any other of these insteadof the amplifier at any one time: anothertape player, my speaker, or my printer'spower supply. My printer's power supply isquite interesting, because it was oncepart of a Thomas Cook computer, that hasbeen adapted by my father to the rightvoltage. On some shelves, I have mysoftware, games etc. and Your Sinclair ,Crash, and SU magazines. I have recentlystarted buying PCW Plus as it has somerelevance to the spectrum, even if onlywhen using CP/M. My monitor has beenconnected for 1 At last! After much tinkering and leadsgratefully supplied by Chris Box, we nowhave the long awaited drives up andrunning. 1 As you will see, several keys have beenredefined to make more sense, and newoptions have been added.l 1 As you can see, the actual save routine isquite small, it's just all the setting upthat eats memory! Well I seem to have gotthrough that quite easily [NOT!] so nowi'll turn my attention to sectors. If youhave any questions about anything so farthen write to the address at the endbecause I know that my writing `style' [ifit can be called thus] is well crap. 1 As well as all this, my office doubles asa bedroom for my younger brother (7), andmyself. This means that I need to use mydesk for putting model aeroplanes andletters etc. on overnight, so some nightsget quite late, just putting things away.Often I don't have much time to do thingsas I have homework to do and two rabbitsto look after. I also play the trumpet,and play street hockey. 1 As I mentioned earlier, the colours of thescreen can be easily altered to suit.Choose the CUSTOMISE option in the mainmenu where you will be presented by asmaller menu of current values. TEXT isyour current screen colour (alternativecolours to try are 7 and 32), WINDOW isthe colour of the current edit line (theline you are on when typing text) shouldyou wish it to be in a different colour.BORDER is your border colour and "`"refers to the code you usually type toprint up a pound sign. This is found inBASIC by LPRINT CHR$ x where x is thevalue which prints the pound sign.Although usually the default value, someprinters may be configured differently. 1 As mentioned earlier, Tasword 2 typefils are ideal intermediaries betweenother file types. A new program called"T3T2" by Lloyd Garland has been writtento convert Tasword +3 files to Tasword 2format. The program is extremely simple touse and is fully automatic, onlyrequesting load and save file names. 1 As I said at the beginning, loading ANDsaving of sectors are basically the same.Only the addresses have been changed toprote 1 Any attempt to use it will almost$ 1 Another tip, make sure you keep the smallplastic head guard when you first fit anew cart. It's best to re-fit this guardwhen you fill the cart again because itstops the ink in the head drying outwhilst you refill it. Also, when you haverefilled the cart, you can make the inkflow properly again by wiping all surplusink from around the breather hole (thesame hole in the side of the cart thatyou've just used to pump more ink into),and then putting the cart to your mouthand lightly blowing air into the cartuntil you can see fresh ink bubbling atthe head. You will need to put the cornerof the cart fully into your mouth mind, sodon't suck! Ink isn't good for you,especially the alcohol based stuff! 1 And what'punishment' can Mr Sherwood inflict onpeople who do not conform to hiswatchdog's standards? Nothing, except fora critical review of the company inquestion. And then there is the matter ofpersonal bias. I had lengthy discussionswith the IEBA about this matter beforethey established themselves and nothingcould be set up then either and led toseveral of their own committee members indispute with each other. David Ledburysaid some very scatching things about hisown personal friend and colleague DarrenBlackburn in letters and telephoneconversations in this matter and as aresult almost made significant damage tothe Spectrum world then. 1 An excellent multi-formats adventuremagazine with news, reviews, tips, lettersand adverts.` 1 Although the games are on tape, all filesare standard unprotected types so it iseasy to transport to your disk system.However, if you wish, Alchemist Researchwill transfer the files for you if yousend the original tape, blank disk andSAE. 1 Although the usual merry making wasaccompanied by the obligatory hangover, Idid get the opportunity to meet Linda, thelead singer of Euro-pop group "MAXX", whoare currently number 4 in the UK chartswith "GET AWAY" - we wish them all thebest with their forthcoming releases! 1 Also, the fact that it does not have acomprehensive disk copy command (you haveto copy from drive A to the ramdisk andback to A again) can also be infuriating,especially when it can only handle filesupto 58k. 1 Also, thanks to everyone who took the timeand trouble to write in and congratulateus on the new system. Minor improvementsyou will see in this issue is the new logoat the bottom and the between-sectionaddress screen is now correctly situatedin the code. The reason these two weren'tlast time was becuase some silly editorforgot there were only 28 days in themonth and was already behind on the issue! 1 Allen Court, 1 All other questions should be covered bythe GENS-manual.: 1 Alchemist Research has teamed up with asmall firm in Bristol which sells HighDensity disks at only 60p each, some20-40p cheaper than most shops. Minimumorders are packs of ten and they even comeready formatted for the Spectrum, PC,Amiga, +3 and many more! Although thedisks will hold no more than the usual DDtypes on the +D, the reliability andquality of the disks can sometimes exceedbranded disks at the same price! Moredetails can be found from AlchemistResearch. (They missed the deadline!) 1 Alchemist PD prides itself on offeringsome of the best program detailing in it'scatalogue. But, the task of writing theshort piece of information is down to oneperson - me (The Ed). I certainly don'tclaim to be an authority on all aspects ofPublic Domain, which can probably be seenin my reviews of demos! So, if you can dobetter (which no doubt, you can), PLEASEsend in your line which I can introduceinto the catalogue. I'd be happy to throwin packages of PD software for any helpreceived. The same applies for reviews -all reviews of ANY PD programs - inAlchemist PD or not - are welcome. 1 Alchemist Research.Although not being extremely popular,remours of it being used to keep opendoors and prop up tables are widelyexaggerated! 1 Albert Harper 1 Agent-X has been rather busy lately. Notonly involved in coding some of the worldsbest Spectrum demos he's also taken thetime out to write a special 128k versionof AlchNews. The text is all the same butit now features an excellent front endmenu system and stores all the code in theramdisk. This program is on the +D diskfor +D users - tape users please sendblank tape for program. 1 After loading "GENSLOAD" you're asked toenter the start address of Gens. If youpress "ENTER" the start address will beset to 49152 (done so because of the 128Kextention) otherwise you may enter anyaddress above 27500. 1 Addresses. 1 ARROWS : Move cursor 1 AN12.9 1 AN12.8 1 AN12.7 1 AN12.6 1 AN12.5 1 AN12.4 1 AN12.3 d( 1 AN12.2 1 AN12.10 1 AN12.1 1 AN12.0 1 ALchemist PD release approximately 600titles from an archive of many thousands.In order to prevent flooding the marketwith poor quality, unwanted titles, weintroduce a small quantity each month. 1 ALCHNEWS12 1 ALCHNEWS 11 - 128K 1 A very good package, and well worth themoney.0 1 A two-into-one adaptor can be used but Iprefer to use a proper headphone splitter.MAPLIN ELECTRONICS supply one for only`1.06 and can be found with a small colourpicture of page 303 of their Sep'93-Aug'94catalogue. The lead comprises of a simple3.5mm mono jack plug which connects intothe +2 which is terminated by two 3.5mmsockets, where the monitor lead and tapelead should be connected. When joined,they can be sealed with a small piece ofblack electrical tape to ensure they arenot removed. 1 A date utility and things that are notexplained very well in the manual. Themanual says of some programs "This utilityis outside the scope of this manual",which roughly translated means "Buy ourother manual for `15 which covers thisutility", and to add insult to injury,there is an advert in the box for themanual which explains the commands for `15and a complete documentation of CP/M for`50. That aside, CP/M is a good buy.Haven't you forgotten something ? Oh yes,Mallard BASIC. 1 A Spectrum only adventure magazine with ahigh degree of tips, solutions and cheats.A service of solutions and maps areavailable at very low prices. *SPELL* hasalso had a revamp, moving to a welldesigned A5 format. 1 : Return to main menu 1 9. The tape SAVE command. If you use a null filename or one longer than 10 characters, you get 'Nonsense in BASIC' instead of 'Invalid file name' when a +D is attached. A minor bug, perhaps, but one which is very easy to sort. 1 9. Don't forget to choose the Disk optionon the load/save menu.@ 1 9 (3): Information on the new UK phone) 1 8. Use 3DCKIT as normal, But make surethat You write down what the files are asyou cannot CAT the files like a normaldisk. 1 8. Betados FN calls, e.g. DEF FN s (x)=USR 8 etc. Potentially there could be a problem with the 128K Editor if these were typed 1 8-SAVE OBJECT CODE: Saves object code to disk0 1 8 (2): In depth article on using the PD) 1 7. Make a note on the disk that is is3DCKIT as there is no way to tell.L 1 7. MOVE command. The form MOVE #s TO d1"name" (not documented in the +D manual) has two serious bugs. The first is that the directory entry created for the new file, although it will be there, won't be visible in the catalogue. The second problem is that, when using this form of the MOVE command, if the filename has already been used and you type 'n' at the 'Overwrite' prompt, using CLEAR # or CLOSE #* afterwards will lock up the Spectrum. This is because some pointers won't have been reset, and the CLEAR # or CLOSE #* will get 'confused' about how much memory to reclaim. (This bug also affects G+DOS.) 1 7-ERASE: Erases sourcecode-file on disk' 1 7-8: Code autoexec address, start line.' 1 7 (3): Review of Jonathan Cauldwells) 1 64 Roebuck Road, 1 61 May Street 1 6. Use of a capital 'D' in SAVE and ERASE commands. Contrary to appearances, the auto-CAT which occurred with G+DOS when using the capital 'D' has not in fact been fully disabled in Betados. The CAT actually still takes place, it's just that you can't see it as its stream is altered to make it CAT into the BASIC workspace instead of the screen. In these circumstances no checks are made on the amount of workspace memory available etc, and this can sometimes cause problems, especially if an INPUT has been used previously as this also uses the workspace. 1 6. Press any Key to format. 1 6-APPEND: Appends a sourcecode-file from disk to a existing one. Renumber your assembler program after you have appended a file!! 1 6) Replace your disk and press ENTER to save the newly converted Tasword +3S 1 6 (4): Miktor's +D column. 1 53 Silver Street 1 52 Burford Road 1 5. SAVE @ command. There is a problem with the routine which spins the drive for about a second to ensure the motor is up to speed before writing the sector. It doesn't take account of the drive specified, and will just spin the last drive used. This is fine if you have a disk in both drives, but if the last drive used no longer has the disk in it, its motor 1 5. Insert the disk you wish to beformatted.(MAKE SURE IT IS BLANK OTHERWISEWHEN YOU FORMAT IT ALL THE DATA WILL BELOST) 1 5-REPLACE: Replaces a sourcecode-file on disk by another with the same nameN 1 5) Run the program. When it asks you to enter the new filename replace the Tasword +3 disk and enter the new filename. If it asks if it is a Tasword 2 file, reply YES. 1 5 (3): More problems with Prism PD, CP/M) 1 4. Select disk type 1 (Amstrad Auto select)1 1 4. Saving to a write-protected disk. Previously the SAVE command would first check the directory etc., and if a file of the same name already existed, print the 'Overwrite' prompt etc. before it realised the disk was protected. This wasted a bit of time, and G+DOS FIX now makes the DOS check the write-protect status first when saving, so people will be informed of this right away. 1 4. LOAD @/SAVE @ commands (and command code equivalents). If there has been an error during a LOAD @ or SAVE @, e.g. a write-protected disk etc., this results in a wrong value being left in one of the DOS system variables. Consequently, if you then type RUN to re-boot the DOS, the process will stop prematurely with an 'END of file' message. Also, if you try to make a snapshot, it will likely be corrupted and could possibly corrupt other files on the disk too. (Typing CLEAR # resets the variable, but this is hardly the ideal way round it, i.e. if you had any streams open at the time or if the error had come about through the command codes and you couldn't exit to BASIC.) 1 4-LOAD: Loads sourcecode from disk" 1 4) Delete line 210 1 4 (4): TECHNOTWADDLE. News of the Agent-X) 1 3DCKIT TIP- 1 34 North Drive 1 3. The tape SAVE command. If you use a null filename or one longer than 10 characters, you get 'Nonsense in BASIC' instead of 'Invalid file name' when a +D is attached. A minor bug, perhaps, but one which is very easy to sort. 1 3. Select the FORMAT option. 1 3. SAVE @ and LOAD @. A new patch has been added to these, similar to the one in Betados, which spins the drive for about a second before reading/writing the sector. For people who suffer from this symptom, these commands will now be just as reliable as their Betados equivalents. 1 3. Command codes. These are perhaps the most serious of all the Betados bugs, as they affect many commercial programs which call the DOS from machine-code. Once the command codes are fixed, the great majority of such software will then run with Betados without any problems. A few examples are the +D converted version of Tasword 128, Hackers Workbench (S.D. Software), Profile (Glensoft), 1 3. All source-code files on disk have anappended "#" to mark them as Gens-files.You can ignore this when entering the namefor loading or saveing as it isautomatically done by GENSLOAD. 1 3-SAVE: Saves sourcecode to disk.! 1 3-4: Start address. 1 3) Alter line 110 to include your Tasword- 2 filename7 1 3 (3): PLUS 3 PLETHORA. Three pages of +3) 1 28 Rockingham Drive 1 26 Spotland Tops 1 2. SAVE...TO. This command has been improved when copying between different drives. The +D system suffers from a shortcoming in that it only keeps note of the track register (drive head position) for one drive. This can sometimes lead to problems, especially when copying long files such as 128K snapshots, which can't be copied in a single 'pass'. The system gets confused about where the drive head is, and if the file being copied has tracks near the end of a disk, it can sometimes fail altogether, stopping with an error report. Betafix patches the SAVE...TO routines so that a separate record is kept for the track registers of both drives, resulting not only in much greater reliability but also an increase in speed, typically about 15%. 1 2. SAVE...TO. This command has been improved when copying between different drives. The +D system suffers from a shortcoming in that it only keeps note of the track register (drive head position) for one drive. This can sometimes lead to problems, especially if the file being copied has tracks near the end of a disk, and on occasion may even fail altogether, stopping with an error report. G+DOS FIX patches the SAVE...TO routines so that a separate record is kept for the track registers of both drives, resulting not only in greater reliability but also an increase in speed, typically about 15%. In practice, this problem is less serious with G+DOS than with Betados, due to the limitations G+DOS has in the first place, i.e. its inability to copy snapshots or opentype files, where these effects tend to be worst. 1 2. MOVE command. The form MOVE #s TO d1"name" (not documented in the +D manual) has two serious bugs. The first is that the directory entry created for the new file, although it will be there, won't be visible in the catalogue. The second problem is that, when using this form of the MOVE command, if the filename has already been used and you get the 'Overwrite' prompt, typing CLEAR # or CLOSE #* afterwards will lock up the Spectrum. This is because some pointers won't have been reset, and the CLEAR # or CLOSE #* will get 'confused' about how much memory to reclaim. 1 2. FORMAT command. There are two bugs here:2 1 2. Normal GENS-files saved by theGENS-Save routine can't be loaded withGENSLOAD. To transfer them load them intoGENS using the normal GENS-Load routinethen go into the main menu and save themto disk. 1 2-CAT: Gives catalogue of disk. 1 2) Alter line 100 to state "A:", not "T:") 1 2 Belvoir Road 1 2 (4): Two pages of PD news, SINCLAIR) 1 17 Brookhill Avenue 1 15 TITLES : `2- 1 15 POKE @11,1: POKE 23749,236: POKE 23750, 124: FOR a=31980 TO 31994: READ d: POKE a,d: NEXT a: DATA 254,13,32,6,62,10,207 ,57,62,13,207,57,208,207,12 1 128k version of AlchNews 11, CP/M" 1 11 Finsbury Drive 1 10.Printing to random access files There are two bugs here:? 1 10 (2): Two articles by Miles Kinloch,* 1 1. You will need CP/M and the PD CP/M tape2. Load CP/M, Then load DU49.G 1 1. When you are in Basic enter "GOTO 90"to get back to the menu. Don't "RUN" or"CLEAR" the program!h 1 1. OPEN # command. If you omit the IN or OUT at the end, the DOS will not accept the syntax if there is another statement following in the same line, i.e. if a colon is the next character after the command. 1 1. OPEN # command. If you omit the IN or OUT at the end, the DOS will not accept the syntax if there is another statement following in the same line, i.e. if a colon is the next character after the command. (This bug also affects G+DOS.) 1 1-COLDSTARTADDRESS: Restarts GENS by clearing memory and setting all values to standard values.i 1 1-2: Length. 1 1) Load "T2T3" from your Tasword +3 disk, remove disk and insert yours containing the Tasword 2 file.j 1 1 Salters Lane, 1 1 (4): Introduction, welcome to our new) 1 0-WARMSTARTADDRESS: Gets you back to GENS without clearing the memory.H 1 0 : Filetype [3 for code/screen$].# 1 - points: The manual is not Brilliant,and there is a lack of important basiccommands.\ 1 +D support: 1 +3 support: 1 + points: plenty of programs, it is quickand there is a large user base.H 1 (Miles is back later in AlchNews with moredetailed explainations of his bug fixesand new commands written for +D DOSses).| 1 #E0. Load Format data for track D. Bloodyuseless1 1 #C0. Load CRC(?) data for track, Not toosure about this one. You do need to run ittwice though. Let the drive stop beforethe second pass. Again bloody useless! 1 #90. Load track from sector in E. Forexample if E=1 then it would load the FULLtrack. If E=9 then it would only loadsectors 9/10 etc. Track in D. 1 "text", this can give a 'Nonsense in$ 1 "The SCB publishes a black & white A5magazine called 'Uncle Clive & Uncle Sam'.It is published in English and German, allover Europe. The SCB also sells software,but that is not PD. Studio Corner allowsthem to sell their commercial software atlow prices, but only to members. The SCBis also for SAM users." 1 "PD ON THE SPECTRUM SHOULD NOT BE! 1 "Euroclubs was founded by the SinclairComputer Benelux and is a team of allkinds of clubs."d 1 "C" allows you to catalogue or change thedrive from the current specified (where"x" is shown). However, a full catalogueis shown whenever LOAD / SAVE or MERGE isselected. The filing commands have alsobeen changed. Only files which have thesuffix ".TAS" are recognised by theprogram and will be loaded. This is toensure that the file you are loading IS aTasword 2 file. Should your file not havethe ".TAS" suffix, simply return to BASICand type LOAD "filename" CODE 32000. Whenloaded, type RUN and then save as normal. 1 [code], Len-Vars [Basic]. 1 ZENOBI SOFTWARE 1 TRADING POST 1 SPELLUNKLER 1 SPECTRUM UK 1 KOBRAHSOFT 1 June 1994 1 Hmmm. Grow up you sad old muppetthat you are eh? Right here we go.C 1 GENSLOAD 1.4 1 EUROCLUBS UNITED 1 CP/M SUPPORT 1 CHIC COMPUTER CLUB 1 ADVENTURE PROBE 1 ALCHNEWS 12 1 THE REALLY RATHER BORING +D COLUMN!!8